The Congress of Information Science Specialists


In the name of Allah

The Congress of Information Science Specialists in Iran is a professional and specialized congress organized by the Iranian Library and Information Science Association, in collaboration with various universities, organizations, and institutions. The audience of the congress includes researchers, experts, students, professionals, faculty members, archivists, museum specialists, librarians, publishers, and professionals related to the field of information technology.

This year, the 8th congress with the theme “Information Science and Artificial Intelligence” has been planned for Wednesday, November 14, and Thursday, November 15, 2024.

The general goal of the congress is networking and creating a scientific environment for dialogue among researchers, academics, specialists, and professionals in the field of information science. Its specific theme focused on artificial intelligence as a transformative technology.

Artificial intelligence is considered an advanced technology that relates to capabilities of computers to perform intelligent activities such as learning, understanding, problem-solving, predicting, and decision-making in an automated and systematic manner through big data processing, information extraction, and knowledge application.

Information Science and Knowledge Studies is also an interdisciplinary science that has a close relationship with other fields such as computer science, information technology, social sciences, and behavioral sciences. This field encompasses subfields such as information management, data analysis, knowledge management, and archival studies. Its aim is to understand how to collect, store and retrieve, disseminate, and effectively use information. Education, research, and skill enhancement in this academic field—especially in the face of new technologies such as artificial intelligence— enable the specialists the opportunity to work in various fields related to data, information and knowledge.

Clarifying the impact and interrelationship between these two scientific domains—artificial intelligence and information science—can not only enhance researchers’ knowledge but also encourage professionals to acquire new interdisciplinary skills so they can play a significant role as information facilitators. This role involves helping individuals and organizations access and deliver right information to the right people at the right time.

The scientific committee of the eighth congress consists of 24 reviewers and 18 session secretaries from academic faculty members and research centers.

At the eighth congress, in addition to speeches by senior managers and heads of organizations, faculty members and researchers in information science along with artificial intelligence specialists will present their views in 15 sessions. The collection of congress papers will also be published by a reputable publisher after preparation.


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